Project #1: Meal Planner

Plan all your meals a week ahead and save your recipes so you can use them throughout the week! Not only can you search and save recipes, but add a random cocktail also on those special nights!

Technologies Used: HTML 5, CSS, , MealDB, Luxon, JQuery, Materialize, Rest API
Meal Planner Home PageRecipe Search with Random CocktailMeal Planner Saved Recipes in the Calendar

Project #2: My-Mini-Gallery

This repository is for a web application that allows users to discover, view, and share artwork with each other online.The goal is for artists to use this website to build up a portfolio and then be able to communicate with other creative minds, get feedback, and build a fan-base.

Technologies Used: HTML 5, CSS, Node.js, Javascript, npm, express, ReactJS, MongoDB, Bootstrap, AWS, mongoose
Gallery HomePageSign Up PageBrowse Art Page

Project #3: ReadMe Generator

Creates a ReadMe for your program after a series of questions are answered!

Technologies Used: HTML 5, CSS, Node.js, React.JS, Javascript, npm, express, MongoDB, Bootstrap, AWS
ReadMe Generator||ReadME Generator @ GitHub

Project #4: BudgetTracker

Helps you to keep track of your expenses and credits when you are online and offline

Technologies Used: HTML 5, CSS, NodeJS, Javascript, npm, express, MongoDB, Bootstrap
Budget Tracker Link||Budget Tracker @ GitHub

Project #5: OdiApp

Have you ever wondered how old your dog is in Dog Years? This application converts your dog's age in human years into dog years!

Technologies Used: HTML 5, CSS, Adobe, Javascript, Bootstrap
dog picdog pic with age
OdyApp Link||OdyApp @ GitHub